Eggless Vanilla Sponge cake with pressure cooker


Ready in 30 minutes

Serves 6 people


• 1 Cup wheat flour
• ¼ Cup all-purpose flour (Maida)
• 1 Tsp Curd
• ¾ Cup + 1 tbsp powdered sugar
• ½ Cup milk powder
• 1 Cup warm milk
• ¼ Cup unsalted butter at room temperature
• 1 ½ Tsp baking powder
• ¼ Tsp baking soda
• 2 Tsp vanilla essence
• Choco-chips / Tutti frutti / Nuts (any toppings of your choice)


Oven setup:

  1. Take a big pressure cooker or idly cooker and pour 3 cups of water.
  2. Place a steel ring or a stand and boil it on low to medium flame for 10 min.
  3. Please make sure to close the lid properly and remove the whistle (for cooker) while preheating the setup.

To make Cake Batter:

  1. Take a bowl and add 1/4 cup unsalted butter at room temperature to it. Beat this for a minute using a whisk.
  2. Add 3/4 cup + 1 tbsp powdered sugar to the butter. Beat this for 2-3 min till it becomes light and fluffy. 

  3. In a separate bowl, take 1/2 cup milk powder and add 1 cup warm milk to it. Add 2 tsp vanilla essence and mix it well. 

  4. Add the milk powder liquid to the butter-sugar mix and gently mix it. Do not beat it. 
  5. Add 1 cup wheat flour & 1/4 cup all purpose flour, 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp baking soda to the batter. Gently fold all the ingredients with the batter.

  6. Just before baking, add 1 tsp curd and lightly fold using a spatula. 
  7. Pour the batter in a mold or an appropriate vessel lined with butter paper and place the mold in the preheated pressure cooker.
    Bake this cake for 20 min, the flame should be medium to low. 

  8. Check the cake by inserting a skewer or a toothpick, it should come out clean.
  9. Let the cake cool down to room temperature before serving or frosting. Enjoy!


➢To cool down the cake, cover the cake mold with a damp cloth for 2 mins.

➢Relish your cake with choco chips / tutti-frutti/ nuts of your choice.

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