Tomato Rasam Recipe

Ingredients :

Tamrind  - 1 small Gooseberry Size
Tomato - 1 big size
Sambar Powder - 1 tbsp
Jeera Powder - ½ tbsp
Pepper Powder - ½ tbsp
Turmeric Powder - ¼ tbsp
Salt - As required
Asafoetida (Hard)  - small cube
Toor dhal - 50g.
Corriander leaves

To tamper :
🍃 Ghee - 2 tbsp
🍃 Mustard - 1 tbsp
🍃 Jeera - ¼ tbsp
🍃 Curry leaves - 1 spring
🍃 Red Chilly - 1

Preparation time : 5 Mins.

Cooking Time : 20 Mins. 

Serving Qty. : 4 Persons

How to make Rasam :

Soak the tamarind in water for 15 min. 

Pressure cook the toor dhal and smash it well. 

Extract the tamarind juice and filter it using tea strainer to remove unwanted particles.

Add required water with the tamarind extract juice to make it 3 cups.

Chop the tomato into small pieces.

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Add Chopped tomato, Sambar powder, Jeera powder, Pepper powder, Turmeric, Salt, Asafoetida and torn curry leaves in a vessel.

Switch on the Stove and keep the vessel on the stove in medium flame.

Allow 10 mins. to boil and the quantity of water level become half.

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Now add smashed Toor dhal with 2 cups of water and pour it in the Rasam mix.

Switch off the flame until the bubbles come on the top of the Rasam. Don’t allow it to boil. 

Tamper the items given in to tamper column and add it in the Rasam.

Garnish with fresh Corriander leaves gives you best aroma. 

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Enjoy the tomato rasam with hot steamed rice
added with 1 tbsp of Ghee…

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